Archive for October, 2010

Loots! End of october!

Posted: October 30, 2010 in Uncategorized

Yo! Last night I had a sms from MKZ saying that my Brother’s SIC Decade was available for collection, I decided to pop by today with my brother to pick his and my stuff up from MKZ! And we bumped into someone we didn’t expect to see!

But first, my loots!

And the person we ran into? It was Leon from Openthetoy! He was with a group of friends, all should be adults I think… Anyways, it happened while we were waiting for our turn to get our loots when there was a group in front of us. I thought one guy looked famillar and I went over and said, “Excuse me, are you Leon?” He of course said he was and I introduced myself, then he said,” Oh, Marzz?” Haha, me and my brother could not believe it. He had a picture taken with NK during NK’s interview in case you are wondering how I recognised him. After he got his loot, we chatted for just a short while, then he went off with his friends. I must say, it is good to have a group of friends that share great interest in gunpla/kamen rider, etc even during adulthood! I must salute to them.

Anyways… Back to my loots.

RD Turn-A. I saw it was on sale for 30 bucks so I just ordered it. I wasn’t interested in Turn-A’s design, but the RD Nano Skin version changed my views.^^

Hyper Kabuto COR. It was on sale in OG for 10 bucks! I was debating on whether to buy the bike for bee/drake/kabuto that was on sale too for 15 bucks. But I decided I preferred Riders to bikes. 😀

And the main star of today’s post! The Revoltech Blade Liger that my brother paid for(It was going for 48 bucks at MKZ because of leftover stocks), as an early birthday present! (My birthday’s in NOV.) Unfortunately, the gift I ordered for him, the SDX Ryubi hsan’t arrived yet, so I ended up getting mine way earlier, even though my birthday’s still has one month to come. LOL. Thanks alot, Nicholas!

And the other star of course is the SIC Decade which my bro bought. I think he has already posted a pic on it at his blog…. See ya next post guys!

One year anniversary!

Posted: October 27, 2010 in Uncategorized

2 days ago, that is. My first blog post was on 25 Oct 2009, last year. Can’t believe it has already been one year since I have set up this blog.

This post will be a very short write-up, as I have been very busy lately. Which explains my inactivity. LOL. I have to be in school from 9am to 5.30pm everyday, as a result, I haven’t got the time or energy to start or continue on my gunplas after I come back from school…. I can only do so on weekends. 😦

Well! I still can’t believe how fast time flies. One year already! And we have seen plenty of additions to my collection during this one year (war LOL). I am being lame here….

Also, my brother Nicholas bought me a very early birthday present for me. (My birthday’s in NOV) I never thought I would be able to get it. He ordered the Revoltech Blade Liger for me. It cost him SGD 48 from MKZ. I bought for him the SDX Liu Bei Gundam for his birthday earlier this month. Can’t wait for them to arrive, along with my other orders from MKZ. ^^

Have a good week ahead everyone, and thanks again for dropping by to support my blog!

Cast-Off-Rider ?!

Posted: October 18, 2010 in Uncategorized

Was at a local NTUC(supermarket) with my brother and parents and my aunt and my dad’s friend from Thailand. Me and my brother saw something of interest….


Another long overdue review. XD Actually, I have a couple more gunpla kits that haven’t been reviewed as well…. I will get to them when I have the time….

Decade with all his accessories and box.



Posted: October 12, 2010 in Stories

Char: Hmm……. We must devise a counterattack against those “Kamen Rider” B#$%*&DS.

Marzz: Er….. Char….. The PC isn’t on….


HG 1/144 Astraea WIP 03

Posted: October 11, 2010 in WIP

Day 3 of the Astraea… As planned, did the legs for today. This was done earlier this noon, before meeting up with a friend, Eugene, or Xen. You can read his blog here. He wanted to buy the SHF Kabuto from an ebay seller, yes, the one whom I bought from. Apparently he has multiple….. But last minute he had an urgent meeting, so couldn’t meet us. Oh well….

Let’s get back to the main topic!

Parts for one of the leg and feets.


HG 1/144 Astraea Type-F WIP 02

Posted: October 10, 2010 in WIP

Continuing on with this kit, I did the waist section for today.

Just a short WIP for today.


HGUC 1/144 Zaku II F2 Review

Posted: October 9, 2010 in Gunpla Reviews

Finally, I have done my review on the HGUC Zaku II F2. I know that my review is long overdue….. About more than one month…. lol.

But anyways, here’s the review, my opinion of it!

The Zaku II F2 with all of its accessories.


HG 1/144 Astraea Type-F WIP 01

Posted: October 8, 2010 in WIP

As I can’t find any facemask at home, I am unable to spray the bootleg Hi-nu Blue parts. So I decided to leave it aside till I get me some facemask! What better way to pass the time than to start on another kit!

First work to be done, the GN Condenser. (I think the Astraea type-F uses GN condenser right? Someone correct me if I am wrong.) Btw, my camera is really screwed up. So I will be using my crappy Handphone camera to take photos until I get the camera fixed or a replacement… Bear with me guys! 😛


Z3: I spotted something red!
