About me

Name: Marcus

Hi there! So you stumbled into this blog eh? Do take your time to read through my blog, comments are more than welcome! This is mainly a blog capturing my everyday life and gunpla wip, reviews, etc….. Still a rookie in gunpla here, hope to rise in level some day to the same levels like chubbybots, heathorn, toymaker, etc.(Just to name a few :D)

So how did I got interested into Gundams and Gunpla you may ask, well, ever since young, i have always been fascinated by robots and mecha. When i was very young, i was really into Power Rangers(Yes, haha!). I collected mainly Megazords and still have them today! They remind me of the times during my younger days….

So when i was in primary school, i naturally outgrew Power Rangers like most people. During that time, the local television was showing Zoids anime. Naturally, this was a winner for me! I only got interested into Gundam during Primary 6 when i caught an episode of Gundam Seed on the local tv. That episode was pretty boring, i remember it was the episode when they were travelling to Artemis, all talk, no action….ZZZZ……

However, the next episode i caught was the episode on Kira VS Athrun in that self destruct battle…. Remember? LOL!

After that, there was no turning back for me…. After catching the Gundam Seed rerun on local TV, they went on to show Gundam Seed Destiny, thanks to online streaming, i was ahead of the TV, haha! And after that, Stargazer, 00….etc…. What I like about Gundam series is that it is not like any other anime. It is more like a war drama, futuristic war in fact, especially the UC series!

Naturally, i was eager to try and build a gunpla after watching the anime(Other than the unknown giant golden SD of course!) That was the NG1/144 force impulse! After that, it was no turn back….

I started out using no proper tools, scissors and nail clippers. Only during end of 2008 did i start using proper tools like side cutter, files, etc… And during 2009, after exposure to blogs like chubbybots, i started to get paints and whatsnot….. I look forward to learning more techniques, and hopefully someday i will reach a high level at modelling! I may not be so good at this yet, but it is a hobby, a passion that i like doing!

  1. Hui Ying says:

    Lol. thats a long introduction about urself. haha. But it’s pretty detailed and I like reading long introductions about oneself. Hehe. Anyw, relink me ya <:

  2. redmage20386 says:

    Hi, doing blogwalking and found this pretty nice blog, care to do link exchange with fellow gunpla blogger? thank you very much.

  3. See To Yu Xiang says:

    So how old are you this year? I am 13, and have the same hobby as you! =D I currently study in the School of Science and Technology, SIngapore!

  4. Marzz says:

    Whoops sorry… Didn’t see the comments here….
    @redmage20386: Sure why not?
    @See: I am 18 this year.

  5. multiseven says:

    hi there, would you mind to have a link exchange with me? my blog is http://multiseven.blogspot.com

  6. redmage20386 says:

    Heya Marzz,

    im redmage from Gundammodelkits.com and im starting my personal blog at akamage.com

    would you care to exchange link with my new blog? thanks.

  7. Catherine Meyers says:

    Hi Marcus,

    My name is Catherine Meyers, I’m the admin of a web blog directory, while reading your blog and it’s reviews and articles about figures and gunpla, (nice collection there btw), I was wondering if you might be interested in a link exchange (no money involved), I would add your blog in my directory so my visitors will also visit your site and in exchange you add my website to your blogroll or links. Please let me know if you are interested and the best of luck with Marzz’s Hideout.


  8. Joel says:

    Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we’ll talk about it.


    Joel Houston

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