XN Raiser WIP 02

Posted: April 3, 2010 in WIP

I almost forgot about this….. T_T

Except for one sword, the whole kit was white, unpainted. So I decided to continue on it. It was a rushed job, so pretty bad job….. never mind though, I still have a spare XN^^

Masked with Tamiya masking tape this time^^

The end result……. You can see spots that i have missed out here and there… Maybe I would touch them up…. Next time. Pretty bad job though 😦

  1. zoidiect says:

    not just ninja build..also ninja paint lolz~

  2. moemoekyun says:

    😦 don’t do ninja paint then 😥

  3. divinelight says:

    I want to buy this, but it’s just… too expensive for a magazine that I can’t read anyway.

    so I pass this…

  4. MaftyNavue says:

    hahaha “ninja” is the common term now..
    ninja comment!!

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